• Activity
    Climate change has negatively impacted water resources and ecosystems in many parts of Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Activity
    The purpose of the “SERVIR Amazonia” Activity is to reduce negative impacts of large-scale infrastructure, extractives activities, and climate change on Amazon forests and waters through increased use of geospatial information for improved plannin
  • Blog
    In the future, urban areas in the Dominican Republic will face increased risk of severe flooding, sea level rise, higher temperatures, and changes in rainfall patterns.
  • Country Profile
    USAID activities in Peru focus on building the country’s capacity to adapt to climate change and improve water security. 
  • Program Report
    Climate change has negatively impacted water resources and ecosystems in many parts of Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Blog
    In late 2016, much of South America’s Pacific coast experienced a severe drought that destroyed crops and impacted livestock. By the end of November, Bolivia had declared a state of emergency.
  • Partnership
    The Water and Development Alliance (WADA) is a collaboration between the USAID and The Coca-Cola Company and its Foundations, managed by the Global Environment & Technology Foundation, to promote improved water management and expand clean water access to help build sustainable communities in the developing world.