Global Waters Radio Podcasts - Now Available on iTunes and Google Play and More

Photo credit: Valerie Caldas, Suaahara (USAID/Nepal)

Global Waters Radio is a podcast series that takes listeners around the world to hear how USAID-supported water and sanitation improvements are creating healthier communities and laying the foundation for sustainable economic development.

Now you can stream the latest podcasts from Global Waters Radio on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and TuneIn and hear first-hand commentary from researchers, development practitioners, and USAID experts who share personal reflections from the field, programming insights, best practices, and lessons learned. Interested in finding out how solar-powered desalination in rural India is helping farmers more efficiently manage irrigation water? Or learning about the role that community-led total sanitation played in stabilizing Liberia during its recent Ebola crisis? Global Waters Radio has got you covered.

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By Russell Sticklor, Senior Communications Specialist for the USAID/E3 Bureau Water Office’s Water CKM Project

Publication Date
Produced By
Water CKM Project
Russell Sticklor
Implementing Partners
Population Focus
Related Countries