WASHPaLS Liberia Sanitation Market Assessment Findings - Final Report


Low sanitation coverage is an ongoing challenge for Liberia. The prevalence of open defecation in the country remains high when compared to other countries in sub-Saharan Africa at 20 percent. Currently 1.8 million people in Liberia practice open defecation. 

In light of the prevailing conditions in the country, USAID/Liberia aims to support the Government of Liberia in ending open defecation sustainably, and enabling households to gain access to a basic sanitation service level. USAID/Liberia tasked Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Partnerships and Learning for Sustainability (WASHPaLS) to undertake a Sanitation Market Assessment (SMA). The objective of the SMA was to understand the drivers and barriers toward the adoption of basic sanitation; using market-based approaches to accelerate this adoption. This assessment details the six major findings on the drivers and barriers to adoption of improved toilets by households in the country. 

There is also a research compendium available alongside this report.

Program Report
Publication Date
Produced By
USAID/Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Partnerships and Learning for Sustainability
50 pages
Implementing Partners
Population Focus
Related Countries