Sanitation in Small Towns, Woliso, Ethiopia Endline Report


This report presents the findings of an endline assessment of sanitation services in Woliso, Ethiopia, conducted January 11–16, 2021, and the outcomes of a subsequent stakeholders’ workshop to discuss and verify the results. This work was carried out under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership (SWS).

SWS partners, Tetra Tech and LINC, jointly conducted the assessment. To assess the sanitation service delivery context in Woliso, the assessment focused on: (1) containment and excreta management services, (2) the enabling environment for achieving and sustaining universal access to safely managed sanitation services, and (3) the nature of relationships between local actors involved in service delivery at the end of the project.

Multiple lenses of analysis were used. Tetra Tech deployed fecal waste flow diagrams (also known as a shit flow diagram or SFD) and citywide service delivery assessment), two diagnostic tools developed by the World Bank, as well as IRC’s sustainability checks tool. LINC applied an organizational network analysis.

Publication Date
Produced By
USAID/Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership (SWS)
32 pages
Population Focus
Related Countries
