Sanitation and Hygiene Influencers Making the Difference


William Musoni spends his days working as a laborer. When he’s not working, he educates communities in Rwanda’s Eastern Province on good hygiene practices, with a special focus on handwashing. As a mobilizer for community savings and loan associations, he also encourages people to invest in and use proper sanitation facilities and products.
“Because I have built a relationship with local leaders, if I request a space to speak about sanitation and hygiene, they always grant my wish,” William said.“ I estimate that I have reached between 6,000 and 7,000 community members during community gatherings and association meetings.”
In Rwanda, where there is a vibrant culture of community service, William is one of 1,200 people from 10 districts across Rwanda who was trained in the Isoko y’Ubuzima — “source of life” — program, implemented by a consortium led by Water For People in Rwanda and funded by USAID. The program goals are to improve WASH governance, improve drinking water services, and improve sanitation and handwashing services and products.

By Amy Dempsey, Communications Specialist; Harushyamagara Theophile, Communications and Outreach Specialist at Water For People

Read the full story on Global Waters’ Medium Page.

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