Philippines Sanitation Alliance (PSA) – Final Report


The USAID Philippine Sanitation Alliance (PSA) was a four-year program (October 1, 2007–September 30 2011) that worked with public and private sector partners to reduce public health risks, protect biodiversity and other natural resources by developing and implementing stakeholder-driven sanitation initiatives. The PSA leveraged substantial private and public sector investments in sanitation, increased capacity of local governments and water districts to address sanitation challenges, and increased public awareness and demand for improved sanitation services and willingness to pay user fees.

The project made a substantial impact on the sanitation sector in the Philippines by raising the profile of sanitation among the national and local governments and by demonstrating that sanitation improvements can be financed and maintained by medium-sized cities outside Metro Manila. The project also facilitated and participated in an active national policy dialogue that supported the development of the National Sewerage and Septage Management Program (NSSMP) and celebration of the UN International Year of Sanitation and Global Handwashing Day in many cities.

AECOM International Development implemented the PSA. The project was funded by the USAID Global Development Alliance and the USAID/Philippines mission. The PSA expanded upon two previous projects: Phase 1 and 2 of the Local Initiatives for Affordable Wastewater Treatment (LINAW), which was implemented by AECOM from 2003 to 2007.

Program Report
Publication Date
Produced By
70 pages
Implementing Partners
Population Focus
Related Countries