Institutional Capacity Building (ICB) Program - Mid-Term Review Final Report


World Vision (WV) received a grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to implement a five-year institutional Capacity Building (ICE) Initiative. for a period of five years from September 30, 2003 through September 29, 2008. The purpose of the ICE initiative has been to support WV's Title II programs currently operating in thirteen different countries. The goal of the iCB initiative has been to increase the impact of food security programs in the field, by working together with local community organizations and international partners. The ICB proposal identified the following expected results:

  • lmproved food security vulnerability identification and programming
  • lmproved comprehensive management of Title Ii programs

In August 2006. TANGO International was contracted to undertake a mid-term review in order to assess WV's progress towards implementation of the ICE grant. This report documents the impact of the ICB grant on the stated goal, to promote institutional excellence in the design and implementation of M Title // food programs worldwide to reduce food insecuriry in vulnerable populations. The repon outlines progress toward realizing results at the halfway point of the ICB, examines results achieved, sets forth recommendations for WV management consideration as it implements the final two years of the ICB, and presents strategies for the future.

Produced By
TANGO International
Tim Frankenburger
62 pages
Population Focus
Related Countries

