Evaluation of the Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation Project (KEHATI)


In the decade since its founding, KEHATI has established a nationwide reputation for leadership in Indonesia’s biodiversity efforts. Formidable challenges faced KEHATI, both in translating the intrinsic complexity of biodiversity into practicable programs and in contesting nationwide environmental decline.

The evaluation team was mandated to examine 10 full years of KEHATI's development and the full range of its diverse activity. We deal with the origins and evolution of the organization (Ch. 1), its organization and operations (Ch. 2), biodiversity in the Indonesian context (Ch. 3) and financial and portfolio stewardship (Ch. 4). Team members also visited a number of projects in the field in gather information. Those case studies may be found in Appendix A.

Produced By
Development Associates, Inc.
Roger Paget, Raleigh Blouch, S. Juliani, Richard Sutton
143 pages
Population Focus
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