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  • Uganda Sanitation for Health Activity (USHA) Resources Resource Collection
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  • Zambia Country Profile
    Zambia was designated a High Priority Country in 2021. USAID is working with partners in Zambia to:   Increase access to basic water…
  • Rwanda Country Profile
    Rwanda was designated a High Priority Country in 2021. USAID is working with partners in Rwanda to:  Increase access to basic water…
  • Ethiopia Country Profile
    Ethiopia was designated a High Priority Country in 2022. USAID is working with partners in Ethiopia to:  increase access to basic water…
  • DRC | Sustainable Water and Sanitation Systems Activity Activity
    Activity Description USAID’s Sustainable Water and Sanitation Systems Activity (SWASSA) aims to increase and sustain access to clean water and safe…
  • DRC | Delegated Cooperation Arrangement Activity
    Activity Description The purpose of the Delegated Cooperation Arrangement (DCAR) is to utilize German Cooperation’s existing funding mechanism and…
  • Ethiopia | Market Systems for Growth Activity
    Activity Description USAID’s Market Systems for Growth (MS4G) supports the WASH private sector by working closely with Activity implementers to…
  • Ethiopia | USAID Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Activity
    Activity Description USAID’s Urban Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Activity in Ethiopia seeks to accelerate inclusive and resilient access to…
  • Ethiopia | Climate-Resilient WASH Activity
    Activity Description Climate-Resilient WASH builds on prior investments in supporting sustainable water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services in…
  • Ghana | Enhancing Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Activity
    Activity Description The Enhancing Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (En-WASH) Activity facilitates access to and utilization of sustainable water,…

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