GW Site Search

  • Ghana Country Profile
    In 2022, Ghana was re-designated as a High-Priority Country. USAID is working with partners in Ghana to: Provide access to basic drinking water…
  • Central Asia | Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity Activity
    Water, energy, and food security are tightly interlinked in Central Asia, forming a resource nexus that transcends the borders of the five Central…
  • USAID's Impact: Ex-Post Evaluation Series Overview
  • Resource Library Resource Collection
    Drawing upon the Agency’s extensive experience with water-related programming, these resources are designed to help USAID staff and members of the…
  • South Sudan Country Profile
    In 2022, South Sudan was re-designated as a High-Priority Country. USAID is working with partners in South Sudan to: Provide access to basic…
  • USAID Water and Development Technical Series Resource Collection
    The Water and Development Technical Series is a set of technical briefs that provide guidance on important topics for developing and implementing…
  • Tanzania Country Profile
    In 2022, Tanzania was re-designated as a High-Priority Country. USAID is working with partners in Tanzania to: Provide 840,000 Tanzanians with…
  • Indonesia Country Profile
    Indonesia was re-designated a High Priority Country in 2022. USAID is working with partners in Indonesia to:  Increase access to safely…
  • Uganda Country Profile
    Uganda was re-designated a High Priority Country in 2022. USAID is working with partners in Uganda to:  Increase access to safely managed…
  • 42nd WEDC International Conference: Online, September 13-15, 2021 Event
    WEDC logo
    Conference theme: Equitable and Sustainable WASH Services: Future Challenges in a Rapidly Changing World Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the…

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