GW Site Search

  • Sahel Resilience and Learning Activity
    Following repeated large-scale humanitarian emergencies in the Sahel, USAID recognized that continuing to treat these recurrent crises as acute…
  • Southern Africa Regional Environmental Program Activity
    The southern Africa countries of Angola, Namibia, and Botswana suffer from frequent floods and debilitating droughts, and too many people live in…
  • West Africa Water Initiative Activity
    The West Africa Water Initiative (WAWI) works with communities and governments in Ghana, Mali, and Niger:  To increase the access to…
  • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Plus Activity
    The WASHplus project supports healthy households and communities by creating and delivering interventions that lead to significant improvements in…
  • WaterLinks Activity
    In Asia and the Pacific, widespread migration to urban centers is placing tremendous stress on urban water and sanitation services. Across Asian…
  • U.S.-Haiti Feed the Future Partnership: Northern Corridor Activity
    Agricultural productivity in Haiti has systematically declined in the last three decades. A shift to annual cropping on steep slopes has caused…
  • Management of Aquatic Resources and Economic Alternatives Activity
    The USAID Regional Management of Aquatic Resources and Economic Alternatives (MAREA) program worked to gain acceptance of the ban by bringing…
  • Securing Water for Food Ecosystem Infographic
    Securing Water for Food (SWFF) taps the transformative power of science and technology and the ingenuity of experts across a broad range of…
  • Water Information System Platform Activity
    NASA/WISP activity’s objective is to improve water resources and agricultural management and planning within and across beneficiary countries…
  • Further Advancing the Blue Revolution Initiative Activity
    The regional water problems in MENA countries are rather universal, vary in intensity and impact, but share common problems in water scarcity, poor…

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