GW Site Search

  • Benin Country Profile
    CONTEXT Benin is a stable and peaceful country with two decades of democratic governance. The country’s refurbished port, increased investments in…
  • Burkina Faso Country Profile
    CONTEXT Burkina Faso and Niger are the focus countries for USAID’s resilience agenda in the Sahel. USAID coordinates all of its programs with…
  • Yemen Country Profile
    Yemen is suffering from the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. In 2021, the United Nations Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) reported that there…
  • West Bank and Gaza: USAID Invests in Agriculture Infographic
    Investing in the Future One Crop at a Time USAID partners with farmers to increase quantity, quality, and exports of produce. Palestinian…
  • Central America
    The security and prosperity of Central America is directly linked to the security and prosperity of the United States. Through the inter-agency U.S.…
  • U.S. Humanitarian Assistance to Gaza Infographic
    U.S. Humanitarian Assistance to Gaza
  • Resilient Waters – Southern Africa Activity
    Southern Africa has significant biodiversity and natural resources, as well as a robust legal framework for natural resource management across…
  • Sustainable Water and Sanitation for Africa – South Sudan Activity
    The Corporate Plan was developed with support from USAID through its Sustainable Water and Sanitation in Africa (SUWASA) project. The SUWASA project…
  • Communication for Better Health/Communication for Health Communities Activity
    Communication for Healthy Communities (CHC) is a 5-year, USAID funded project whose goal is to support Government of Uganda and partners to design…
  • Financial Institutions Reform and Expansion Activity
    FIRE-D partnered with India’s central, state, and city governments to develop sustainable urban environmental services and to ensure the poor…

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