Southern Africa Regional Environmental Program (SAREP)

The southern Africa countries of Angola, Namibia, and Botswana suffer from frequent floods and debilitating droughts, and too many people live in extreme poverty and have limited access to adequate water and sanitation services. The USAID Southern African Regional Environmental Program (SAREP) is addressing these issues by improving the water supply and sanitation services, as well as conserving biodiversity within the Okavango River Basin, which supports the livelihoods of more than 880,000 people.

Activity Description

Activity Description

The project works with the Southern Africa Development Community and the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission to implement strategies that integrate biodiversity protection, increase access to water supply and sanitation, focus on global climate change, and improve HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. For communities surrounding the Okavango River, the program provides easier access to clean water and reduces contamination, opening the door to better farming techniques and new employment opportunities while ensuring better environmental management.

Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes

• Increased access to safe water supply and sanitation for targeted communities in the CORB
• Decreased threats to biodiversity conservation within transboundary management areas
• Increased adaptive capacity to the effects of climate change for targeted communities
• Increased capacity within targeted natural resource management agencies

Actual Outcomes

Actual Outcomes

• Provided access to safe water supply to 30,535 people and 35,510 for sanitation.
• 15,528,555 ha of land are now under improved natural resources management
• Provided 7,361 people with increased economic benefits derived from sustainable natural resource management and conservation
• 35,849 people provided with increased adaptive capacity to adapt to the impacts of climate change
• 14 institutions have improved capacity to address Climate Change Issues as a result of USG assistance

2009 - 2016
Award Number
Funding Level
Prime Implementing Partner
Population Focus
Activity Topics
Implementing Partners